Please get in contact for more information if you are an Humanitarian Organisation or in need of special products aimed towards this marked. You can also reach our english website for more information and a broader productrange, HERE! 

Eco Water - WHO and WHAT

  • Eco Water develop and manufacture water purification systems for professional use as well as for private households. We deliver high quality mobile- and stationary units, spesialized according to our customer’s needs. Several water purification systems are developed to produce drinking water from water sources with poor quality. Electricity is not required, these systems run on water pressure only.

    • We developed our mobile systems on the basis of poor or no infrastructure.
    • Our systems are simple to install and maintain.
    • Our water purification units can easily fit several systems in a helicopter or on a jeep.
    • Our units are POU (Point Of Use) systems.
    • Purification process is performed without using any chemicals.
  • We have delivered water purification units to:

    • UNHCR - United Nations High Comissionary for Refugees (Long Term Agreement)
    • WHO - World Health Organisation
    • WFP - World Food Programme
    • British Red Cross